Addiction Test

Online Alcohol and Substance Addiction Test

If you’re looking for a test to see if you may have an addiction, you might also be feeling worried that you could end up in harm. The simple answer is: if you feel that something is a problem in your life, then it doesn't matter if it’s use, abuse or a full blown addiction. You should try to change your behavior, either first on your own or with the help of a professional. We help people in all sorts of situations: anything from a substance being a minor inconvenience in their life to someone on the brink of a catastrophe.

It’s true that abuse and addiction look different for different people. Some never have a problem, others can quickly develop an addiction. It could also be a slow process, taking years to develop first into a substance abuse and then later becoming a life-altering addiction. It is typical for people be feel shame or indignation over an abuse, which means they end up hiding it - this can further make it harder for loved ones around them to see their true situation.


Am I Addicted to Alcohol?

Alcohol addiction has several signs, both physical and behavioral. There are several medical criteria that can be examined, but here’s a quick and easy quiz in the meantime:

  • Have you ever felt that you should drink less often?

  • Have other people remarked on how much you drink?

  • Have you ever felt guilty or remorse for drinking?

  • Have you ever had a drink in the morning to cure a hangover?

If you answered “Yes” to two or more of these questions, that could indicate an alcohol abuse or addiction. The next step would be to talk to a medical professional who could ask you more about your habits, behaviors, and thoughts.

If you feel like talking to someone, call (858) 454-4357 and speak to us confidentially.


Am I Addicted to a Drug?

Depending on the substance, the addiction may look different. But some signs are:

  • A craving to use the substance regularly, either daily or even several times per day

  • Building up a tolerance, so having to take more of the drug to feel the high

  • Using the drug instead of going to school, work, or engaging in social activities

  • Several failed attempts to stop using the drug

If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of the above points, we recommend you take action immediately. Call (858) 454-4357 to talk more about your use.